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Midwest Pheasantries


Our pheasants are colony bred with genetics and consistency in mind.  Our outside hens are first year breeders and while second year hens are used for early season egg and chicks. Eggs are picked every two hours or according to weather. They are washed, culled, and put into the cooler the same day to keep fertility.

Mature Pheasants

Birds are released into our flight pens between the ages of six and seven weeks depending on the weather.  Pens are maintenance for weed control with proper foliage, predators and rodents, all of which are critical to having healthy birds. Average footage for a mature pheasant is 25 to 30 square foot per bird.  We keep our pheasants on a 20 to 21% protein diet. Ideal shipping age is between 20 to 24 weeks for both pheasants and chukars.

Day Old Pheasants

Our chicks are hatched in 23 1/2 days. Orders are picked up or shipped within a 24-hour window to ensure the shortest time in the box. For those shipments greater than this period, we provide the chicks with gro-jo moisture strips within the box for proper nutrients. 

Pre Start Pheasants

Pre-starts are a great way to reduce labor of a breeding flock, and reduce cost of operating a hatchery and maintaining brooder barns.  These pheasants are raised in a climate controlled barn, peeped, and put outside at six weeks of age.  They are conditioned to the weather for week(s) and ready to be released into flight pens.

Additional Support

Raising pheasants is a limited industry to find help. Many pheasant farmers have seen all aspects of the industry and have become knowledgeable about the birds behaviors and patterns. Over the years, Mark watched and learned from his own farm but also received information from others in the industry. Sharing information and experiences makes this industry strong and continues to help it grow. 

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